December 11, 2008

Joy Division and New Order

Download: Joy Division - Closer (1980)

Few bands that have only released 2 albums and an EP carry the influence and reputation that Joy Division d0es. The reason for this, in my opinion, was their proportional mix of professionalism and bravado, as well as Ian Curtis's attention-grabbing epilepsy followed by his suicide at the age of 23.

The band was originally called Warsaw and existed as a simple punk band that was fairly popular in the Manchester area. Ian Curtis then joined the band and made his vision of morbid, dissonant, energetic post-punk music a reality. Curtis's lyrics often covered serious topics such as depression and drug use, giving the band's music a dark atmosphere. An example of this is the song "She's Lost Control" from the band's debut album "Unknown Pleasures".

Ian Curtis had some psychological problems and was diagnosed with epilepsy, and after the success of Joy Division's first album, his symptoms started getting more severe. He had seizures on stage all the time, so he danced in a very strange, unnatural looking way when he wasn't having seizures in order to cover it up. On May 18th, 1980, he hung himself in his kitchen due to his depression, stress, and failing marriage.

An image from the film Control, which told the story of Ian Curtis's life

After Curtis's death, the rest of the members of the band formed New Order and took their music in a more poppy and electronic direction. They were very popular, released several albums, and are considered to be almost as good as Joy Division. Their song "Blue Monday" from 1983 was the best selling 12" single of all time.

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